Sunday, February 28, 2010

My Baby First Photo Taken

Taken 23/01/2010 - 4 weeks old

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Is Samson a DUMB?

Yesterday, our Zone had a wonderful Prayer meeting. As usual, Yilun Preach a powerful Message which had left goshbumps. One illustration she gave was the life of a great bible personel call Samson.

Who is Samson. Samson is one of the judges who judge Isreal for 20 yrs (Judges 16:21). He was a great man of God. God blessed him with great strength. He was just like the HULK!!

However, this guy had a weakness. He has a soft spot for woman, pretty woman in particular hmmm maybe the rainie type, but thats not the point. Samson met this woman call Delilah which really destroy his own entire life!!

In Judges 16: 5
And the lords of the Philistines came up unto her (Delilah), and said unto her, Entice him, and see wherein his great strength lieth, and by what means we may prevail against him, that we may bind him to afflict him; and we will give thee every one of us eleven hundred pieces of silver.

Thereafter, in 3 seperate occasions, Delilah asked Samson... tell me dear, tell me wherein thy great strength lieth? But each time Samson didnt tell her the truth.

1)If they bind me with seven green withs that were never dried, then shall I be weak, and be as another man. Judges 16: 7
2)If they bind me fast with new ropes that never were occupied, then shall I be weak, and be as another man Judges 16:11
3)If thou weavest the seven locks of my head with the web. Judges 16:13

And each time the Philistines break into the room and tried these methods on Samson, Samson break free from them. But wait! IS SAMSON A DUMB? He a judge of Isreal for 20yrs... Doesnt he least suspected Delilah. Even a Dumb will know or at least suspected Delilah was the one who gave him away each time.

The truth is Samson was not DUMB at all. What was his problem then? He was over confident. He was confident that in every dangereous situation he has the ability to overcome all... even at the fourth time when Samson did tell Delilah the truth that His mighty strength lies in his hair. He was still confident to overcome any possible danger.

Does anyone purpose to fail? NO! No one in life started out wanting to fail. Same to Samson. Even to the fourth time when he leaks the truth, he didnt purpose at that point of the time to fail. He was just over confident... over confident that he can do it even without God.

What can we learn in this lesson?
A lot of us toy with temptations. Fully confident that we will not fall into the temptations. That its no big deal. Even if we fall, God will still be with us. Isn't esp true for couples to stay overnight at each other house? As Christians, we are taught that our bodies are the temples of God. In another words, no pre-martial sex.

Couples are overly confident that they will not fall into temptations. Esp after a few time staying over, they enjoyed the experiences without having pre-martial sex. They became even more confident, more bold. Just look at Samson. The progression of his answers to Delilah requests and finally giving in to her. Each time his answers were closer to the truth, closer to giving in to her. This lesson doesnt just applies to dating couple. Any form of temptations we are facing day in day out...

Are you toying with temptations? Are you overly confident? Are you careless? Are you a DUMB?

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Always Proud of my Wife

My Wife, Tiffany did a great job singing a CNY song on the 20th of Feb in Jurong West Church. Sooo proud of her! A very very challenging song indeed. The title of this song is call 新年快乐,我的爱 sang by 郭美美.

Below is the youtube link for this video by 郭美美.

Jumping ahead of the Right Prayer

22nd of Feb 2010 - Day 1 of Week of Prayer

Today, was the first day of the first week of prayer of 2010.

I had written down and prayed for 3 of my inner most desires of 2010.

1) A full time Job
2) Family protection
3) W376

After praying, one thing really struck me. Its nothing new but is something that God really wants me to take notice.

A) A full time Job - God, this is your seed, My financial Breakthrough
B) Family Protection - God, this is your seed, My Family
C) W376 - God, this is your seed, my ministry

I realised everything that i prayed for, they are God's seed. And if everything were to come to pass, the very first physical action done is by God sowing his seed into my life.

Realising that, i immediately change my style of praying. Instead of praying God gives me a Full time JOB! God Protect my Family, God bless every single W376 Members, my personal prayer had become God sow your need into my financial blessing, God sow your seed into my family relationships, God sow your seeds into the fruits of my ministry!

Inconclusion, I realise after this monrning, people tend to pray ahead of time. Instead of praying for harvest to come, we should be praying for good condition of the ground and the seed. Perhaps i had missed out of the fundamentals of prayers all these while.

To build a life with Strong Foundation. Our Prayers should be aiming at the Foundations of our life, not the successes.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Final Day of CNY Holiday

Today is the final day of CNY holiday! Tiffany and I went to one of my closest friend house to play Mahjong!! And of course we didnt gamble. We had 2 tables of Mahjong. 9 players came and play!! All had a great great time!

Well of course, we also had a pleasant surprise! My friend just adopted a new dog and called it Peanut. Just 2 months old!! very very cute. Just by playing with the Peanut, it must be the highlight of my CNY holidays.

2nd Kind of Faith - Enthusiastic Faith

Last week, We talk about Mary's Persistent Faith. On how her Faith had made Jesus's first miracle possible. This week, there is another kind of faith that really caught my attention in the bible... Enthusiastic Faith of Moses.

Exo 3:1-10 Moses and the burning bush.

Moses didnt start off with Great mountain moving faith. Within the burning bush encounter with God. He repeatedly doubted what God said to him. Responses like who am i? What if they ask me what is His name? What if they dont believe me? i am not eloquent. What kind of man was Moses? He was a timid man. He had no confidence about himself. God had to reassure him again and again.

But the truth of the matter is God is asking Moses to do the impossible. Moses had killed a soldier back in Egypt! He had turned his back from Pharaoh, the very person he had grown up with during his childhood. And now God was telling him to go back to Egypt! Just Imagine for a moment, would you dare to go back to a place where you had committed a sin as bad as murder and the authorities are after you?

Would Mas Selamat dare to come back to Singapore after escaping from Singapore to Malaysia? God's direction to Moses is as good as asking Mas Selamat to come back to Singapore... Who would have such faith? Moses had...
I wonder how many of us have had bad experiences before. These setbacks have paralyzed us. We told ourselves that we would never step out and do something different, that we would never take risks, because we never want to experience failure again. All the bad experiences we went through only serve to remind us that we are never good enough.

Our past serve as a constant reminder for us not to make the same mistake again. However our past cannot crippled us. No one can drive smoothly forward by looking into the rear mirror everytime he drives. In side the rear mirror speaks of our past. The path that we had taken. The purpose of the rear mirror is really to warn us of the danger not cripple us.

Do you have the faith of Moses? A never dying faith. A faith that is always enthusiastic no matter what kind of past we come from.

3rd kind of Faith - Faith of King David -- 23rd Feb 2010

Sunday, February 14, 2010

The Right Attitude on Tithing - CNY

Is CNY again. This is a period of Blessings... all unmarried will get AngBaos.. Lots of Angbaos... i remember last time i would get at least 130 dollars worth of Angbao money.

Of course as a christian, I was taught to always give God 10% of my increase. As a Christian for 10 yrs. I have not had any problem in the area of Tithing. I also do it the right way, The right amount and at the right time.

Sadly not all Christian does it the correct way. They either give with the wrong attitude, Wrong amount, or wrong timing(Late). Which, i really wonder why. So what exactly is the correct attitude in giving our monthly Tithe? I had been thinking about it for a long long time. Only until recently, i happen to think of a near perfect illustration to illustrate in the different Attitudes in giving our monthly Tithe.

I am a Property Agent. So lets do it the Agent way...

As an practising agent. Every deal we closed, we have to give a certain percentage of our commission to the agency. Right now i am giving 10% to my agency. Which i am very reluntant to do so.Why do i have to give my agency 10% of my commission?! It is not as if they help me? The Fact is they didnt even guide me. Whatever Job done is by my own strength, own effort, own time, own blood and sweat!

Isn't that the thinking of a lot of Christian? I earn my money with my own strength, my own sweat and Blood. Why do i need to pay the 'AGENCY' Money. Why do God says that my 10% is his and if i dont give to Him, I am stealing... HAhahaa after in the property line i sudddenly feel i can relate to most christian who refuse to give their tithe to God.

But i realise soon after there is another type of 10% we need to give out of our commission. Thats is call Referral Fee.

In property line, there is something call the referral fee. Meaning when ever someone refer a client to me, once i manage to close that deal, 10% my commission is due to him. This 10% is the same amount to give to the agency. But this 10%, i totally give willing. There are a few reasons why...

1) Without this person who refer the client to me, i will not have gotten the commission.

2) Even though i gave 10%, i know this 10% will encourage the person to come back to me whenever he has other contacts whom he can refer to.

3) The more prompt i give the 10% referral fee, the more willing he is to refer client to me.

Wooohooo, isn't that the attitude we should have in give God our Tithe?

1a) Without God who refer this job to me, i will not have gotten this monthly salary/ Sales

1b) This 10% i gave to God will encourage God to bless me even more

1c) Tithing should be our first fruits. If we put him first, We will be the first one God thought of to refer more 'deals' to us.

What Kind of Attitude do you have in giving your tithe esp after this CNY season?
10% to your AGENCY or 10% as a Referral?

Thursday, February 11, 2010

LYL 2010 Camp Site 1

Inspired by our CHC style of Finding a Site to Build our new CHC building. I going to do up a ongoing update search for our LYL Camp June 2010 campsite.

The first Site that we explored is Punggol 17th Avenue OBS Campsite. Looking at the picture. This place seems a bit old. I took 1hour 45mins to reach the campsite from Bukit Batok. This far is crazily far from my house!

What i like about the place is the breeze you get there. I can actually feel and hear the sea from the site. Look at the picture, the opposite shore is actually Malaysia! Now i have no surprise that Mas Selemat's escape to Malaysia.

There are a also 2 empty rooms for us to do some small actitivites. hmm size of the room... about the size of a 3room flat.

You want to know the living condition of this campsite... we are suppose to pitch our tents at this open area. hmmm there are a few open spaces for us to have our activtives as well. But they are very small... too small even for Mega Cell groups like Jessica's W532.

So finally in conclusion.

Location : 3/10
Suitabilty: 2/10
Living Condition: 3/10
Budget: 1/10

*additional notes: No campfire, No religious activities, no food places near by.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Special Month, The Shortest Month - Feb

I was in my Weekly Zone Meeting at Riverwalk. When one of my friend, Jasmine Kon prayed and mentioned about the month of Feb. It really triggers something in me to find out more about this Special Month. Every time i got this feeling to find out more... i believe God is trying to tell me something...

Have you ever wonder things like why are there leap years. Why leap years affects only the month of Feb. Why second month of the year is call February? Does it have any a special meaning?

I did a short research on the web and found something interesting

February was named after the Latin term februum, which means Purification, via the purification ritual Februa held on February 15 in the old Roman calendar.

January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar, since the Romans originally considered winter a monthless period. They were added by Numa Pompilius about 700 BCE. February remained the last month of the calendar year until the time of the decemvirs (c. 450 BCE), when it became the second month.

In the Gregorian calendar, the current standard calendar in most of the world, most years that are evenly divisible by 4 are leap years. In each leap year, the month of February has 29 days instead of 28. Adding an extra day to the calendar every four years compensates for the fact that a period of 365 days is shorter than a solar year by almost 6 hours. (6x4 = 24 hours = an additional day)

As i had said earlier, everytime i strongly wants to find out certain things i believe God wants to reveal some things to me. I was praying, asking God. Why? and what do You want to reveal through this shortest month of the year?

After praying long, i think i know what God wants to tell me @ the shortest month of the year...

From Matthew 24 all the way to Matthew Chapter 25. Jesus was talking about a few Parables and Passages...

1) The Parable of the Fig Tree
2) No one Knows the Day or Hour
3) The Faithful and the Evil Servant
4) The Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins
5) The Parable of the Talents

All these Parables were talking and teaching us to be dilligent. To continue what we set out to do. Be Faithful until the Second Coming.

By the Time i finish posting this particular article. It would already be 9th of Feb 2010. (Didnt we just count down 2010? Had the month of January passed? Had i gotten used to writing 2010 at the date of any forms that i had written?.

4days time we would be celebrating CNY! Guess what?! After the third day of CNY when people goes back to work, it would already be the 17th of Feb 2010.

Feb 2010 is a month of little hard work. Mood of Celebration, Mood of Festive Season. Singaporean works 17 days to get the same amount of Salary which they worked 22days for (for month with 31 days). I cannot help to relate that to another parable about the workers in the last hour. Where workers who worked lesser hours are paid equally to those who labour from the start of the day. Increment in Per hour rate!

Feb 2010 is God's way of reminding Zhipeng. That Zhipeng!you must continue to be dilligent. Even if the month of Feb 2010 seems insignificant and Procastination follows in Feb 2010.


What does FEB 2010 meant to you? To me is a Warning against Complacency, and an encouragement to keep on keeping on. And of course The Month of Feb, a month of Purification.

Noah's Ark in Hong Kong

The Ark is meant to demonstrate traditional values and spread positive values. It will be equipped with a wide array of amenities and featureactivities that offer locals and tourists a new experience in a new attraction.

Theme facilities on five floors

The Ark is on a 270,000-square-foot site on Ma Wan Island overlooking the Rambler
Channel and Tsing Ma Bridge. There are five levels each with a different theme, includingArk Expo, Treasure House, Ark Life Education House and a seaside restaurant. The top floor is Noah's Resort. The Ark is surrounded by greenery including topiary animals, a huge swing,amphitheatre, cycle paths and the Nature Garden. The backdrop of green hills, traditional village and Ma Wan heritage will make the area a new cultural tourism attraction.

Major Noah’s Ark facilities

Ark Garden and Expo
The path leading to the Ark will be lined by 67 pairs of sculptures of endangered or rare wild animals to teach visitors about their characteristics. The sculptures, waterfalls and ponds in the garden surrounding the Ark will remind visitors to love animals and treasure the environment. The Ark Expo will allow visitors to experience an exciting adventure. They will be able to watch a 180° screen showing the connection between the Ark and the future of mankind, and also feel the flood that covered the earth. There will be models of the ark and a colourful animal kingdom including the only honey-pot ants on display in Asia, allowing visitors to appreciate the wonders of nature and see and understand the challenges the earth is facing in the 4D theatre.

Noah’s Adventureland

Adventure Land will challenge visitors’ courage. It will have an eight-metre giant swing,challenging participants to a ‘leap of faith’ and a rope ladder by the sea will allow people to experience ‘walking on air’. A rock climbing wall will test physical and mental strength.

Treasure House

Treasure House will be a children’s museum for training young minds. It will have 15
fun-filled galleries with themes covering life education, development of the mind and liberaleducation. It will encourage children to think and be creative and learn through interactive games and activities. They will learn to develop character in the global village, build confidence through drama lessons, learn to make music, learn science by observing the earth in action and apply their imaginations to different arts and crafts.

Ark Life Education House

The Ark Life Education House will provide visitors the chance to explore the true meaning of life in its different stages through innovative, interactive games. People will be able to set personal goals and trace their steps through life; addressing challenges in the interactive forum. They will be able to learn what life means and how to achieve harmony of the body and mind. It will be ideal for school trips, corporate training and visits by individuals and

Noah’s Resort and Harvest Restaurant

Guests staying in the Noah’s Hotel will be able to experience life on the Ark enjoying sunshine and greenery in Ma Wan Park or seeing the historic Ma Wan village within walking distance of the park. They will also be able to have coffee on the coffee lounge. The hotel will offer double / twin rooms and hostel dorms with their own bathroom for groups of four to eight people. The Harvest Restaurant will be by the seaside where customers will be able to see both the Tsing Ma and Ting Kau bridges in the distance. It will have international cuisine, and will be suitable for wedding banquets and other gatherings.

Monday, February 8, 2010

3 Kind of Faith. Week 1 - Persistent Faith

We shall look at Mary as an example.

John 2: 1-11

1 On the third day a wedding took place at Cana in Galilee. Jesus' mother was there, 2 and Jesus and his disciples had also been invited to the wedding.
3 When the wine was gone, Jesus' mother said to him, "They have no more wine."
4 "Dear woman, why do you involve me?" Jesus replied, "My time has not yet come."
5 His mother said to the servants, "Do whatever he tells you."
6 Nearby stood six stone water jars, the kind used by the Jews for ceremonial washing, each holding from twenty to thirty gallons.[a]
7 Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water"; so they filled them to the brim.
8 Then he told them, "Now draw some out and take it to the master of the banquet."
They did so,
9 and the master of the banquet tasted the water that had been turned into wine. He did not realize where it had come from, though the servants who had drawn the water knew. Then he called the bridegroom aside
10 and said, "Everyone brings out the choice wine first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink; but you have saved the best till now."
11 This, the first of his miraculous signs, Jesus performed in Cana of Galilee. He thus revealed his glory, and his disciples put their faith in him.

This was the first miracle of Jesus…Turing Water into Wine.

You see because of the persistence of Mary. Turning water into wine is the first Miracle Recorded!

Why do I say that Mary’s faith is one of persistence?
I did some research in the internet. When Jesus did this first miracle, many scholars believe that He is already above 30 years old. Because the Disciples were also invited.. and Jesus only Started his ministry at age of 30.

For over 30 years living with Jesus, Mary had not seen a single miracle. There was no track record whatsoever! Why would Mary be so sure that Jesus could turn the situation around and perform a miracle?! Would it be crazy to ask Zhipeng to Slam Dunk... after knowing that i have not even jump and touch the Ring for the past 27yrs?!

Friends, Mary’s faith in Jesus stretched all the way back to 30 years ago. 30 years ago, God spoke to Mary through angel Gabriel that the son she bore, Jesus, was the Son of God. Now, 30 years later, Mary is still persistently believing in this Word about Jesus Christ! Despite Jesus not performing any miracles or anything spectacular that proves He is indeed the Son of God.

For 30 years, from the birth of Christ till this day, before Jesus did His first miracle, not once did Mary waver in her faith. This is persistence!

God is not slack in His promises, don’t give up. Continue to persist, fight the good fight of faith, run the race, believe in the Word of God. Don’t lose the momentum in doing good, do not be weary in serving Him, for in due season, you shall surely reap. Your miracle will surely come to pass!

Don’t give up! Choose to invest in the virtue of persistence today! Because it requires persistent faith to unlock God’s miracle in your Life!

Week 2 18 Feb 2010 - Second kind of Faith - Enthusiastic Faith - Moses

Scientific Evidence Found for Parting of the Red Sea

And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided." (Exodus 14:21)

One of the most famous stories of the Bible is God's parting of the Red Sea to save the Israelites from the Egyptian army and the subsequent drowning of soldiers and horses in hot pursuit.

But is there evidence that such an event did in fact happen – and if so, precisely where did it take place?

The issue is surfacing some 3,500 years after the event is said to have taken place with reports of Egyptian chariot wheels found in the Red Sea, photographs to document it and new books by scientists that could lead to a whole remapping of the Exodus route and a fresh look at ancient biblical accounts.

Wheel of fortune

"I am 99.9 percent sure I picked up a chariot wheel," Peter Elmer tells WorldNetDaily after two diving trips to the Gulf of Aqaba branch of the sea. "It was covered in coral."

The 38-year-old forklift mechanic from Keynsham, England, traveled to the region with his brother, Mark, after being inspired by videos of explorers Ron Wyatt and Jonathan Gray, who have documented artifacts that in at least one case authorities have confirmed to be a chariot wheel dating to the time of the Exodus.
"I believe I actually sat in an ancient chariot cab," Elmer said, referring to his time exploring a submerged item in what he describes as an underwater scrapyard. "Without question, it is most definitely the remains of the Egyptian army."

But despite all of Elmer's excitement, others who have been to the same location are not so sure what is being viewed underwater are the remnants of the great chase and urge extreme caution regarding the unsubstantiated claims.

"All kinds of people are finding coral and calling it chariot parts," says Richard Rives, president of Wyatt Archaeological Research in Tennessee. "It's most likely coral covered with coral. ... Opportunists are combining false things with the true things that are found. These people are making it up as they go to be TV stars."
Rives was a longtime partner of Ron Wyatt, an anesthetist and amateur archaeologist who died of cancer in 1999. Before passing away, Wyatt devoted years searching for and documenting physical evidence for events mentioned in the Bible. In addition to chariot wheels, Wyatt claimed to have found Noah's Ark on the mountain next to Ararat in Turkey, the "true" Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia and the Ark of the Covenant with the Ten Commandments near the site of Jesus Christ's crucifixion.

Submerged 'land bridge' (
Among those who accompanied Wyatt on many of his excursions is his wife, Mary Nell. She's concerned about over-exuberance regarding new claims, but the Spring Hill, Tenn., woman tells WorldNetDaily she's "convinced" there are chariot parts located on a subsurface "land bridge" connecting Egypt to Saudi Arabia through the Gulf of Aqaba.
She cites Ron's discovery of a wheel hub that he brought to the surface in the late 1970s as proof.

The hub had the remains of eight spokes radiating outward and was examined by Nassif Mohammed Hassan, director of Antiquities in Cairo. Hassan declared it to be from the 18th Dynasty of ancient Egypt, explaining the eight-spoked wheel was used only during that dynasty around 1400 B.C.

Curiously, no one can account for the precise whereabouts of that eight-spoked wheel today, though Hassan is on videotape stating his conclusion regarding authenticity.
When Mary Nell went diving with Ron, she says it was very easy to assume (wrongly) that every item on the flat bottom had historical significance.

"[At first] I thought everything was a chariot wheel!" Mrs. Wyatt exclaimed, noting how difficult it is for the untrained eye to distinguish an artifact from a piece of coral. "I'm just trying to be cautious about over-identifying too much. ... It is God's truth, and we can't hype it up. We can't add to it."

However, she notes a big problem for explorers and scientists is that the Egyptian government no longer allows items to be removed from the protected region. Thus, someone claiming to find an artifact will have a hard – if not impossible – time verifying its authenticity, a classic catch-22.
The watery grave

"And the waters returned, and covered the chariots, and the horsemen, and all the host of Pharaoh that came into the sea after them; there remained not so much as one of them." (Exodus 14:28)

The Bible account makes it clear that once the Israelites had marched through the parted sea on dry ground, that the waters rushed back to completely engulf the doomed army of ancient Egypt.

With that in mind, many of the items being seen in the Gulf of Aqaba have been photographed by divers for comparison to the Exodus story.
Many other photographs show formations in a circular pattern with projections that could be spokes, but those items remain at the bottom and have not been authenticated.

Another issue is the route of the Exodus, and which body of water the Israelites crossed. Many travel maps and Bibles indicate a crossing point in the Gulf of Suez, the western branch of the Red Sea. But those may have to be updated if the Aqaba location is confirmed as the true location for the miraculous event.
"The truth is, no one really knows where the crossing of the Red Sea took place," says Carl Rasmussen, a biblical geographer and professor of Old Testament at Bethel College in St. Paul, Minn.
Rasmussen compiled the "Zondervan NIV Atlas of the Bible" and personally thinks the crossing took place somewhere along what is now the Suez Canal.

Yellow highlights possible spot of Mount Sinai in Saudi Arabia. Gulf of Aqaba branch of Red Sea is at center, with main Red Sea at bottom-right of photo (
Some scientists from Europe say the current maps are wrong, and the Wyatts are right – that the crossing began at the Nuweiba beachhead, went through the Gulf of Aqaba, and then into what is now Saudi Arabia where they claim the "true" Mount Sinai is located.

For years, scholars have speculated as to the location of the actual Mount Sinai where Moses received the Ten Commandments from God. At least 13 sites have actually been claimed on the Sinai peninsula as being the correct spot.
But Ron Wyatt believed it was in Arabia, even referenced as "mount Sinai in Arabia" by the Apostle Paul in Galatians 4:25.

So he and his sons made their way to "Jebel a Lawz," the mountain of the Law, which is known by the locals as "Jebel Musa" – Moses' mountain.

Unfortunately for the Wyatts, they were arrested and held in prison. His wife says someone had phoned embassy authorities for the Muslim country, claiming that Ron was spying for Israel. They were released after spending 78 days behind bars.
Rasmussen doesn't agree with the Arabian Mount Sinai theory.
"I believe the strongest candidate is Jebel Sin Bisher," he told WorldNetDaily. "The sites in Saudi Arabia have very, very weak scriptural backing, in spite of the hype."

Now, a new book by Cambridge University physicist Colin Humphreys titled "The Miracles of Exodus" supports not only the claim for an Aqaba crossing, but also the location of Mount Sinai in Arabia.

"If my book is correct, and I believe the evidence is very strong," says Humphreys, "then world maps will need to be redrawn to relocate Mount Sinai. History books, travel guides and biblical commentaries will need to be rewritten."
Throughout his work, Humphreys provides scientific explanations to corroborate the accounts of the Old Testament.

"'The waters piled up, the surging waters stood firm like a wall,' is a remarkable description of what the mathematics reveals to be the case for water pushed back by a very strong wind," he writes.

"What I have found is that the events of the Exodus are even more dramatic than is generally believed," Humphreys said. "The Exodus of the ancient Israelites from Egypt really is one of the greatest true stories ever told."
A Swedish scientist who believes the Red Sea was split says while Humphreys is correct about the Aqaba crossing, there are no natural, scientific explanations for the parting miracle described in Scripture.

Walls of water as depicted in 'The Ten Commandments' (Paramount Pictures)
"The wind did not separate the water," says Lennart Moller of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm. "No person could be in that wind and survive. ... If God has created all the Earth, it's no problem for Him to separate the water for a while."
Speaking to WorldNetDaily from the isle of Gotland in the Baltic Sea, Moller, the author of "The Exodus Case," says the key in finding the correct route of the Israelites is to understand that the Hebrew reference to "yum suph" does not mean "sea of reeds" as many scholars have claimed.

Moller says it refers specifically to the Gulf of Aqaba, and while he's not formally affiliated with the Wyatts, he agrees with them that a host of other evidence can be found on the Arabian side of the water, including remains of the golden calf, pillars, altars and the even the rock the Bible says Moses split to bring forth water for the Israelites.

Regarding the items found beneath the waters, Moller believes there are remnants not only of chariots and wheels, but also human and animal skeletons.
"There was a disaster [there] a long time ago," he said. "Whatever that is, it's open to interpretation."

He also notes that the downward and upward slope of the Aqaba crossing path actually falls within current U.S. standards for handicapped ramps.
And while Mary Nell Wyatt warns overstating the claims by divers and authors could do more harm than good, she does believe there's a reason why her husband was led to discover what Ron called "God's attention-getters."

"God preserved all these evidences," she said, "[otherwise] there would have been nothing left. ... God has been lost today. Even Christians still can't believe this all happened. ... We need to pray for the Lord to help us get people to see it."
Back in England, Peter Elmer says people have mockingly asked "Why should a forklift mechanic from Keynsham be able to go to the same place Moses was?"
He takes the criticism in stride, pointing out "Jesus used fishermen, tax collectors and publicans. Why not a forklift mechanic?"