Wednesday, March 24, 2010

LYL Overnight Prayer Meeting 24 March 2010

Last night, we had our 2nd LYL zone wide overnight prayer meeting for the year 2010, it was again a great encounter with God. I was the guitarist in the Picture! Always thank God to be able to serve God in this way. Played a total of 8 songs in the space of 2 hours!!

During the second session, We did something very refreshing! All present were to read finish the book of Philippians. And out of the 4 books of Philippians, we were to 'revelationalist' and apply it in our lifes. (later going to share more about my revelation in Philippians 3:20)

For the 3rd Session. WOOHooo my Bro Calvin Choo did a fantastic, wonderful, Godly, Spiritual, Revelational prayer meeting. The main aim of the 3rd session, was to pray for Easter. But God's Plans are always higher than our plans. God's presence was sooooo strong, in the end the stage was set for God to move and minister in our life. Members were so touched by the love of God, many including some LYL leaders responded and were moved to tears. God is Good!!  

Philippians 3:20
But our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is a very simple passage but 2 words/phrase actually stood out and hit me, and i was there dumbfounded by God's 'blog' (only some would understand).


I check out the meaning of Citizenship in Wiki, it states Citizenship status, under social contract theory, carries with it both rights and responsibilities. "Active citizenship" is the philosophy that citizens should work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work, and other such efforts to improve life for all citizens. Let us go through some rights and responsibilities and as i go through these, pls try to relate it to the heavenly citizenship.

We are to serve National Service. We are to fight for our nation when there are adversaries. Aren't we proud of Singaporeans when they achieve great things to do the nation proud? Each of us are issued with a NRIC card. Behind is a physical address (would God had already prepare a house for us in heaven?) In front of the IC card, is our photo (would God have memoried all our looks?) The list goes on and on. Are your bearing the responsiblities of our heavenly kingdom? Are you enjoying the rights of our heavenly citizenship?

Eagerly await:

This word eagerly await really stunned me. While we were waiting, how do we eagerly wait for the second coming. How do we eagerly wait? What must we do to wait eagerly.

For the pass 3 weeks, i had been going for interviews after interviews. (After writing finish this post i will be rushing to bugis for one interview again.) Before all interviews, i eagerly await for my turn.

1) In my head, i visualised myself in the interview room with the interviewer.
2) I fully anticipate what the interviewer is going to ask me.
3) Before i go into the interview room. I want to equip myself with the correct answers to all possible questions
4) I want to go in confident and without any fear
5) I want to look the best, dress the best
6) The only answer i want to hear is, well done i would like to offer this job.

Are we doing the same waiting to the second coming of christ, just like we did before all interviews? something to think about.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

My Baby existed 13 weeks and 3 days in Tiffany's Womb

19 March 2010 - Second Visit to Gynae

I done a quick search in the internet and found a few things that are really true and worth taking a look at especially you are a woman... guys should take note also la....

How Big is the Baby at Thirteen Weeks Pregnant?

During pregnancy week 13 your baby is 2.9 inches long and weighs up to .8 ounces. Though the baby is significantly larger, he is still pretty tiny. Fortunately, there is plenty of room to expand in the uterus.
Baby's Growth and Development

By the end of pregnancy week 13, the baby looks like a tiny yet fully formed baby. While the baby's head is still quite large, his body is starting to catch up. The baby's eyes are starting to move closer together by pregnancy 13 weeks. Up until this point in time, they rested closely along the sides of the head. The baby's intestines are also moving further into the body, and the baby's tiny pancreas is starting to produce insulin, which will be vital for regulating the baby's sugar levels later in life!

Your uterus is continuing to grow at pregnancy week 13, and as it grows, you may start feeling some aching or discomfort in your abdomen. This is perfectly normal. The ligaments that surround your uterus will stretch in the upcoming weeks to accommodate your baby, and this stretching often results in what is called round ligament pain.

Round ligament pain is fairly common by 13 weeks pregnant, but it can be alarming if you have never experienced it before. It usually feels like a brief but sharp or stabbing pain in your abdomen, but you may also feel a dull ache in the lower abdomen that lasts for a short time. Most often women feel this when they get up suddenly or change position. You might feel this pain as you attempt to roll over in bed.

If you experience any pain that is accompanied by other symptoms, such as cramping, bleeding or vomiting, you should call your doctor immediately. Usually round ligament pain doesn't last more than a few minutes. If you have persistent pain, something else might be going on that warrants a trip to your doctor.

In most cases, simply relaxing can relieve round ligament pain. Be sure you rest comfortable and stop any activity that was causing you discomfort. Try to remember to get up slowly each time you get out of bed or move to the sofa. This will become more and more necessary as your uterus continues to expand and you grow larger and larger.

Congratulations! For many women, pregnancy week 13 is a time to celebrate. A pregnancy at 13 weeks means you are entering your second trimester, which means your risk for miscarriage drops substantially. You are much more likely to carry your baby to term now that you have made it to 13 weeks. Some women, however, are still at risk for miscarrying through their 20th week.

You will also probably start feeling remarkably better in the upcoming weeks. Instead of feeling tired all the time and nauseous, you may find that you have a newfound sense of health and vigor.

By 13 weeks pregnant, you will want to wear loose fitting clothing. You still might not be big enough to fit into maternity clothes, but chances are your favorite pair of jeans are no longer your favorite simply because they do not fit as well.

Your breasts will continue to change throughout your pregnancy week by week. In addition to the darkening of your areolas, you might start noticing the veins in your breasts are more prominent. Some women also start developing larger benign bumps on their breasts during pregnancy. The lumpy bumps surrounding the areola are glands that will grow and develop as your pregnancy continues.

Finally, my baby did a Scan, and found out to be 13 weeks and 3 days old. The baby is now 7.29cm long!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Our Memory vs PC Memory

This week CGM, we talk about forgetting not His Benefit. We must always remember the Goodness of God. What He had spoken to us through His word/ His Servants. I realised it was actually quite interesting to understand our memory and how similar it is to the PC/ Notebook memory.

There are several types of memories that used is used in a personal computer for different tasks. These are the basic types of memory:

•Flash Memory
•Virtual memory

When i first read the different types of Memories, The first 3 kinds of memories stucked me hard because it seems like i can totally relate to these 3 in my personal life. Especially the ROM And the RAM, where its illustrations really comes in handy for my cgm :)
The cache in the computer is used a temporary holding space for frequently accessed data so it can be accessed quicker. Cache is usually stored as small files on the hard drive for easy access later.
I dont know about you, I always use this part of my memory when i study for exams. The notes i studied will always be stored in my 'temporary holding space'. Because for a short period of time, i need them to be at the tips of my fingers (liken to the computer's cache memory - for easy access).

RAM – Random Access Memory
RAM is most known type of memory for a computer. When someone is referring to how much memory is in their computer they are referring to RAM. The RAM is either connected to the motherboard by a socket connection or integrated directly on the board. Every computer comes with some amount of RAM that usually can be increased by the user. In general, the more RAM on a computer the better the performance. This is liken to our main memory, the capacity of our memory seems to be always limited. We tend to forget things because the RAM is overloaded. We stored almost everything inside this part of the memory. We choose what we want to store in our memory, the good, the bad, the ugly, the sinful, etc... sometimes we store too much unneccesaries, which reduced the perfomance of our 'PC'. (unused application/icon in your desktop?)

ROM – Read Only Memory
ROM is memory contained in a computer that is not easily modified and is usually used to store the initial program or information that a computer needs to run before the operating system is loaded. This is liken to our past. Can be good, can be bad memory. These are not easily modified and this part of the memory needs to be run before we really start our 'operating system'/ start storing in our 'RAM'. Isn't it true that majority of our past always runs in our mind first before we can actually 'load' and make decision of our life?

If we are not careful, there is always tendency to remember what we need to forget and forget what we need to remember. and that is because we stored what is to be stored in the ROM into RAM and vice versa.

The 'RAM' is an important part of our memory, we cannot store everything and anything inside our 'RAM'. Because it really reduced our performances as a person. Therefore, clear your desktop! clear the unwanted applications in your life. Applications of sin, lying, pronography to things like procastination, bitterness etc. Run the application in your life well! Be focus. Clear the unwanted things! Dont waste space!!

Putting ROM into RAM.
It is especially dangereous when we dont utilised ROM in our life. When we store all our past in our RAM. We cannot operate in the past be it good or bad. We must operate without the past BUT! we should always be reminded of the past. Thats why it is such a beautiful thing that ROM is run before the Operating System.

Are you constantly living in the past... if you are, maybe you had stored all your past in your 'RAM'. We need to put conscious effort to separate this part of our memory from our 'RAM' if not, it is really hard to operate and run the more important applications in our life.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

True Love Prevails

11th March 2010.

Man United 4 Milan 0! Thats was the reason why i purposely went down to the nearest 7-11 store to grab The Newpaper. But soon after i gotten that Newpaper, my eyes were glued on the Jack Neo affair. Before i go into the article, i want to first comment on the News Conference where Irene Kng, Jack Neo's wife fainted. The article reads...

The news conference ended when Mdm Kng started crying. As she was walking off the stage, she fainted. And the photographers and cameramen swamped to the stage to take her photos. Neo screamed at them to stop filming and get away from her. One of Neo's colleagues Ah Nan rushed to the stage and also yelled at the photographers and cameramen to get away from Mdm Kng.

I couldn't believe that was what the photographers did to a fainted woman. Did they go through civil morale education? 0 EQ, 0 morale well maybe thats the important job requirement for the media to employ these people. Well enough had been said. Citynews will be the light that shines in this industry!

Lets go back to the Newpaper Article. There are almost 5 pages of news with regards to this incident. but there are really just 2 parts to the article i wanted to comment (The rest perhaps they got nothing more to write thats why they copied and pasted from the news of the previous days).

Should Wife have forgiven him so soon?

Part of the article reads...

But former Netball President Ivy Singh-Lim's Husband, Mr Lim Ho Seng wouldn't be so lucky. If she ever caught him cheating, she would kill him 'slowly and painfully'. Or at least make sure she gets everything in the divorce.

''The world is full of evil man and stupid women. But Mrs Neo is not stupid  as she has accepted that all men are bast****. The only difference is the degree (of that belief).

My Gosh... what a comment by the former Netball President Ivy Singh-Lim. What is she trying to instigate by saying all these? To her the only and happy ending to the Neo's story is that the parents eventually divorced and the kids goes without complete family plus Mrs Neo getting everything out of the divorce and not forgetting Jack Neo eventually 'killed' slowly and painfully. 'All man are evil/ Bast****'. Sorry, to Mr Lim (husband), his father, father in law and any of their future baby boys... thats what the former Netball President thinks of you.

If Singapore government is practising religion freedom and take serious actions to those who trying to instigate disunity. Shouldn't such comment be taken out of the papers as well? After saying so much. I am actually very interested to know how our former netball president look like... pls go all the way down to my blog if you are interested too.

Pastor counselling the couple says... Jack is definitely remorseful now

''The pastor said he was surprised by the confession but he declined to reveal what Jack had told him''

''Rev Tan said: '' Jack is definitely remorseful now, and he plans to apologise to the public. He has no intention of letting the matter drag on.''

''Does he think the couple's marriage of 27 years will survive the scandal? Probably yes he said. '' Irene has choosen to forgive Jack.'' Thats why this couple is making tremendous progress in rebuilding their marriage.

''Jack is now spending a lot of time with his wife and children. Spending quality time is important for the marriage to work. he said. Because it take time for the heart to heal.''

''Has Rev Tan been shocked by the many reports if jack's alleged affairs with various woman?'' Since Jack and his wife had come to me. They are my focus for now. I'm not in a position to comment on other matters.''

WOOOHOO aren't you proud of our Rev Tan. Unlike the many women whom all choose to reveal and put salt to the wound of Jack. Rev Tan chose not to. He is totally professional, totally pastoral, totally human. I cannot help but be reminded of the adultereous woman in the bible. Jesus said. Let those who are without sin cast the first stone at the adulereous woman. Rev Tan not only talk the talk. But he also walk the walk.

And aren't you proud on what PK and CHC had always taught us? Making Marriage work, The importance of spending quality time. Rev Tan had indeed shown the world of Media and those who thinks man are evil and woman are stupid what true God's love is. With such grace and love shown, there is no wonders that even Mrs Neo is open to communicate with Rev Tan and Jack.

Perhaps the difference is
The media just wanted to make money out of this story.
The 'all man are evil and women are stupid' mentally wanted their own 'fairly tale' ending to this story.
Rev Tan wanted God's way of ending to this story.

I can already see one day, Jack and his family coming up on the CHC stage, happy, blessed, grateful of the people and love that God had put in their lifes. True love prevails and God's love brings reconciliation.

Tiger Woods, John Terry, Jack Neo.

Three talented stars. All were involved in infamous reports by the media. I believe we all had enough on the lead actors of these media article. After reading and hearing so much on the media, i cannot help but also focus on the ladies and this is what this post is about. Lets us turn our attention to what is closer to home...

March 8, 2010

Wendy Chong, 22 broke the news on the her two-year affair with Jack Neo. The heading of the article... We Had Sex in the Car. In the reported article, Wendy Chong TOLD THE WORLD that JUST a month after meeting Jack Neo at an audition for Money No Enough 2 in 2008, they had sex with the Singaporean movie director in his car.

I cannot help but to also wonder how 'unwilling' it was for her to have sex in the car after knowing a man for just a month. Yes, Jack Neo was sinful. But what about her? Back in the traditional days, isnt both the adultereous pair needed to be stoned? So why she is going to Jack Neo's House and demanding to see his wife? What was she thinking when she first accepted Jack Neo? Is it out of Love or something else? If it was out of Love, Why explosed your love one in the media? Why cry foul and act like she is the victim throughout? Love desires to give. What she is doing, desires to take... desire to take the limelight.

10 March, 2010

Another lady had come out of the box nowhere and testified that Jack Neo had wanted to 'get closer to' a then 16 year old. The report stated that how the 'victim's' mum was so disgusted about what had happen 5 yrs ago.

Well, actually just by looking at the picture disgust me. Picture paints a thousand words isn't it. Aren't they just want to share the limelight? They looked so 'satisfied' in featuring on the Newpaper.

Well, i dont want to defend Jack Neo. He is wrong to do whatever he had done. But all those who labelled themselves as victims, laughing at the plight of Jack Neo?  Since when the adultereous woman gets such 'incentives'?

Monday, March 8, 2010

My Wife's Make up Blog is up...

My Wife, Tiffany's Make up blog is finally up... Her blog includes many exciting posts including

1) Weekly Beauty Tips on how to maintain your Skin! 
2) Tired of the limited ways to tie up your hair? Read her posts! Step by Step teaching you how to look stunning the DIY way.
3) Posts on the lastest fashion make up plus all her portfolio.

(The blog is just up! So do give her time to upload all the exicting posts!)

Woohoo with this blog, you can save money on the fashion magazines and guidebook. If you need any Skin care, hair product, or if you need any help in solving your skin problems, you can also drop her an email. Free Consultation!! Discount Prices!  

What are you waiting for? Visit her blog today!


Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Velvet Covered Brick

Over the last 2 Saturdays, the LYL leaders had the privilege to be trained and equiped in Riverwalk by one of the best trainer in the Equiping Leaders for Asia Organisation. I call her "Chelsea''

''Chelsea'' asked us do an assessment on the type of leadership we are and also she had define the ideal leadership model of the us. Lets talk about the Ideal leadership first.

The Velvet Covered Brick

Good leaders posses both strength and sensitivity. They are both tough and tende. They are soft on the outside (relational) but firm as a brick on the inside ( principle-centred). Becasue they are emotionally secure, they are able to handle confrontation and conflicts in a healthy way.Two of the bible example of a velvet covered brick is Apostle Paul and Jesus Himself.

Apostle Paul

Apostle Paul had to confront the Corinthian Church for not handling immorality in one of her members. Notice in the first letter, (1Cor 5:1-13) he was a brick. He was dealing with the sin directly! However in the second letter (2 Cor 2:1-11) he was a velvet he became redemptive.

Jesus Christ

Jesus, Himself is a velvet-covered brick. Consider how he confronted the seven churches. (Rev2-3). The church iat Ephesus is the first case-study. Note how Jesus deals with them.

1) How Jesus forcused on the good in the people
2) Acknoeledged their loyalty and strong points
3) Communicated the problem clearly
4) Offered a Solution.

Before i get to the self assessment of the leadership style, i like to comment on 3 leaders in our Zone which i had known to have this kind of Velvet Covered Brick Leadership style. Incidentally, they are my bosses...

The Dynamic Duo!! They are one of the firmest leaders in the zone. Each have a few CGLs under them. If you dont know them well enough, you will think wow. Better not mess with them lest the bears appear out of nowhere. They are also often the most misunderstood ones. They are one of my best friends in the zone and outside the zone. Fun loving, jokes around, entertain the other leaders in the zone. I think all the N282, W382 present and previous members can testify to that.

Yilun, is also that kind of velvet cover brick leader. But she is often misunderstood in a different manner as teh previous two. Everyone has to 'bow down and worship' her Velvet charecter. She is the ''Think of everyone welfare'' awardwinner. She is SOOOOO sensitive to the needs of people around her. BUT (we are taught not to use this word), when comes to the disciplines of her life. She is second to no one! She makes sure things are done and the way she does it... woohoo you might want to 'bow down and worship' some more.

Self Assessment Leadership Style

Often Leaders are either too tough or too tender. Which are you? Corporate psychologists have labeled leadership responses to conflict with animal names. Find the one you most identify with:

Sharks - I really like to get my own way; I win and you may lose but is better this way. LYL leaders-- Michelle, Jing, Cindy.

Foxes - We have to compromise; everyone wins a little lose a little. LYL leaders -- Jonathan, Jessica, Chaiying, Cindy, James Zhuang.

Turtles - I dont like conflicts and i tend to withdraw and not face it. LYL leaders -- Keewei, Clement, Elaine Wong.

Teddy Bears - I will make peace however i can; i dont mind losing so you can win. LYL leaders -- Chaiying, Cassandra, Joyce.

Owls - Lets work at this and find a way in which everyone can win. LYL leaders -- Jon, Jessica, Joyce, Sarah, Pris, Pearly.

Myself? I am more a Teddy Bear. Why? hmm i use elimination matter. (This is what i think only! pls dont be offended if you belong to the different leadership style.)  

Shark - If i am wrong, i am wrong. I admit it and accepts improvement. Some times is good that members correct me. I want smart members rather than ''woody'' members :)

Foxes - No compromise. If you are wrong means you are wrong.

Turtle - Conflicts and problem are meant to be solved not stay :)

Owls - In a given situation, more often than not, if everyone else wins, God loses. Because we compromise Godly principle.

Why I can relate to Teddy Bear?
I will make peace however i can; I dont mind losing if i am wrong. But if i am right, i will explain... if my explaination doesnt go in no matter what, then forget it. The person insist his way, no point to argue.  

It was indeed a very interesting session, knowing each other leadership style. There is really no perfect leader bah. Different individual loves different style of leadership. Just like the 5 different love languages. We give and we receive different way of loves this is liken to when we receive different way of leadership. In the end, to lead, really is to love.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

What Should I name my Child?

6 more months! And I am getting more and more excited by the days... A few burning questions in my heart... and also common questions people will ask me... So is it a boy or a girl? What name do you have in mind?

Well for the first question. Must wait until the 5th month before i know is it a Boy or a Girl. Which is ard May 1st. hmmm maybe i should do a countdown timer in my side blog.

As for the latter question. I really have no idea what to name my baby... but i found this very useful website which gives the origin and the meaning of each name. So let us do a check whats the meaning of the name of my closer friend...

Name : Tiffany
Relationship: My Wife
Origin 1: Greek
Meaning 1: Manifestation of God
Origin 2: Latin
Meaning 2:  Three, Trinity
Pronunciation: Tif - ah - nee
Word Form from : Theophania

Name: Donny
Yrs known: 10 years
Origin 1: Gaelic
Meaning 1: World Rule
Origin 2: English
Meaning 2: World Rule
Pronunciation: Don - ee
Word Form from: Donald

Name: Calvin
Yrs Known: Unknown
Origin: French
Meaning: Bald
Pronunciation: Kal - vin
Word Form from: Itself (Calvin)

Name: Jessica
Yrs known: 4.5 yrs
Origin: Literary
Meaning: N/A
Pronunciation: Jess - ih - kah
Word Form from: Itself (Jessica)

Name: Jonathan
Yrs Known: 4.5yrs
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God had given, Gift of God
Pronunciation: JON - ah - than
Word Form from: Yonathan

Name: Janell
Yrs Known: 4 yrs
Origin: Hebrew
Meaning: God is Gracious
Pronunciation: jah - NEL
Word Form from: Janelle

Name: Logan
Yrs known: 1.5yrs
Origin: Gaelic / English
Meaning: Hollow
Pronunciation: LO -gun
Word Form from: Itself (Logan)

Name: Jason
Yrs known: 2 yrs
Origin: Greek
Meaning: Healer
Pronunciation: JAY - sun
Word Form from: Itself (Jason)

Name: Jonas
Yrs Known: 1.5yrs
Origin: Hebrews
Meaning: Dove
Pronunciation: JO - nas / YOH - nas
Word Form from: Jonah

Website link:

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Tower of Babel vs Marketplace Building

This week, is the week when Pastor is going to reveal the exact location of our building!! It is so exciting! To be frank, i dont think my heart is ready to receive that news. I might faint when the location is announced.

Throughout this week, while i was praying for confirmation of the Pledge amount to give for the next 4 months. God brought me to the story in the bible in Genesis. The story of the Tower of Babel...

Picture of the Tower of Babel

In this story, the children of God were trying to build a tower up to heaven. Their initial attempt to build this tower is so that they could have access to God, they could reach God, See God, Fellowship with God. However, as the tower was built higher and higher, God saw the change of the people hearts. Soon instead of Exalting the Name of God. They wants to exalt themselves to the level of God.

As the days of the news are getting near, we need to really examine our hearts when we pledge this weekend. Yes this building is going to be a ICONIC Building. This building we are building will make history. This building will put us into the limelight once again. It is easy for us to get carried away by all these. But as we pledge, we need to give with an attitude that exalts HIS name.

Do you have an amount? or do you already have an amount but that was pledged with a wrong atitude???

It is also very interesting to see how God dealt with the people when they had the change of hearts. God confused their language! God began to divide them... In our church history, not once we have a church split. As the days are nearer. We really need to guide ourselves. 

Tower of Babel was built meant to draw the people closer to God, this is liken to our Marketplace building. But is the end The Tower of Babel splits the 'Church' back then. Let this be a lesson learnt, and a warning as we pledge this weekend.

Are you ready to ARISE AND BUILD?